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Danny Poelman, DDS Certified Expert Life Coach



  • Unwanted habits (porn/other)

  • Excessive people-pleasing

  • Anxiety/Depression that is limiting

  • Unresolved Trauma (post-therapy), C-PTSD

  • Religious and Relational Trauma from Narcissistic Abuse

  • Money Mindset Blocks

To break free, enrich your life, and live life on your terms, in line with your values.


"Working with Danny has changed my life. I feel like a completely different person now, compared to when I started. I have had so many friends, family members, and colleagues ask me what is different about me. I frequently get asked, “You have always been happy, but you seem different.” “You look like you have more confidence, what are you doing?” It is so awesome! My conversations with others has changed as well. I am not so focused on things from the past, but filled with so much confidence in the present and ultimate hope in the future. This has impacted my relationships 100% for the better and changed the dynamics of my family. My life has improved in every way. I have more confidence in myself and my business, more love for myself and others, more gratitude for my past (mistakes and hardships), and greater hope for my future. Prior to meeting with Danny, I felt like I was not living up to my full potential. Danny was so great at asking the right questions and diving deeper into the heart of my specific issues. I signed up because I wanted to kick pornography and masturbation once and for all. But, Danny helped me with so much more! Insecurities, doubts, lack of confidence, family dynamics, relationships, career help, and the power of the mind (abundance mentality, and manifesting). I really can’t say enough good things. My confidence in myself has never been stronger. I love life more now that I ever have before. I took the leap and I am so glad that I did! Every facet of my life is better as a result!"


Which one(s) is it for you?

I'll help you in the following areas:

Trying to Quit an Unwanted Habit?

Whether it's a porn habit or some other unwanted habit of yours, learn The Brain Rewiring Blueprint: a science-based, proven process that addresses the root of the issue. 

Gain control and confidence in your choices.


Feeling Drained by Constant People-Pleasing?

Not setting/holding boundaries? Recovering from narcissistic abuse (relational or religious trauma)? Have been through it myself.

I know how to help you find your own way through this.


Limited by Anxiety/Depression?

Steps to change your relationship with anxiety and depression. Ways to transform your mindset and live with more ease and flow, while still getting the job done. 

The Ultimate Well-being Formula


Got Unresolved Trauma?

As a C-PTSD survivor (and survivor of childhood sexual abuse), I get it. 

You desire continued recovery from trauma, post-therapy (or in conjunction with therapy).

Forward-Facing Tools to build resilience and optimism. Methods to improve your overall well-being and daily functioning



Looking to Improve Your Financial Situation/Mindset?

Insecurity, debt, or difficulty moving to the next level? Don't understand the mindset or energy of money?

Create financial stability & independence. Build confidence, feel aligned in your money goals.

Enrich your mind. Enrich your life.


Note: If it says "coming soon," this means...

...I already coach on these subjects, I just haven't created a mini-course for it yet, and will soon.

In the meantime, I recommend doing one of these:

Following my podcast, click here

Subscribing to my Instagram channel (@dannypoelmancoaching), click here

Getting on my email list

Reaching out for a free consultation zoom call, click here





"I had been able to find some success with various programs intended to avoid pornography. But I never felt like I was in control. It felt like at any moment, I might have an urge and not be able to resist and I’d be down a losing spiral again. The anxiety was crushing and I felt worthless, ashamed, and helpless. I wanted actionable intelligence. A few months into the process I felt like I was in complete control, which was a totally new experience. I could choose the outcome myself. It was so empowering, it was the breakthrough I was looking for."

Actionable Intelligence & The Breakthrough I Was Looking For

MINI-COURSE - Reclaim Your Life: Break Free from People-Pleasing Now!

Fathers, are you feeling trapped by people-pleasing habits? The 30-Day People-Pleasing Detox to Recover From Narcissistic Abuse offers you the tools to break free and reclaim your happiness. This mini-course teaches you how to build strong boundaries, enhance your self-worth, and regain control of your life. Join us today and start your transformation.

1 on 1 Coaching With Me

Transformational individual coaching

  • for people ready to dive deep and create some serious momentum
  • allow the changes to happen from the inside out (less hustle/burnout)
  • limited number of spots
  • a coach who has worked full-time with clients for 6+ years
  • we look at your brain together
  • you access more of your power to heal, transform, create, love, and thrive than ever before
  • you build your personal authority
  • a unique, safe, zero-judgment space to explore

Learn more in a free consultation zoom call. 


Who I Am, Who I Help, & How I Help Them

My name is Danny Poelman.

I’m a Certified, Expert Life Coach.

I certified at the Life Coach School (with Brooke Castillo) right when the program was at its peak level of effectiveness (in my opinion).

I’m a husband and father of 3 kids. 

My family and I have lived on the French Riviera for the last 6 years. 

I love basketball, being in the sun/nature, and moving my body. 

This year, lifting weights is my favorite, with running/biking/swimming in between.

My thinking/analyzing brain loves science-based processes.

I also love and value spirituality. I grew up Mormon and am no longer Mormon. Many (not all) of my clients have also been either Mormon or Post-mormon or something in between. I love coaching all the different nuanced people in between.

I get people who grew up in conservative, high-demand religions.

I continually find ways to open and expand my spirituality. I enjoy exploring and continually learning.


I’m a highly sensitive person with big emotions. This, at times, has felt like a nuisance. 

Now, I know how to channel it as a super power in my coaching. It is part of what makes me such a great coach.

And, yes, I still have some difficulty managing it in the meantime (it’s an ongoing practice).

I am a super-listener, because I listen with more than just the 5 senses.

People find it easy to open up to me because of some of my natural tendencies/gifts.


I practiced as a dentist for 3 years (graduated from University of Southern California Dental School). I've also coached many doctors through the years (because I get them as well).

I stopped working as a dentist because my hands started shaking.

This was one of many physically limiting symptoms that came up for me as my body was finally ready to process trauma from being sexually abused as a young boy.

I am a Complex PTSD survivor.


It took me years to get through the toughest parts of healing.

I still have more to do, but I can function at a high level and have room for the continual nature of that healing process.

It gets better and better.


One of the ways I coped in the past was with a pornography habit. Ultimately I didn’t want it in my life but I would do it anyway.


Through my journey of healing, I tried everything from:

  • many different therapists and types of therapy
  • EMDR therapy
  • cognititve behavioral therapy
  • sex addiction therapists (even though I was only viewing porn every 3-6 weeks, I thought I needed this back then)
  • IFS, or Parts Work
  • Neurofeedback
  • psychiatrist
  • medication
  • 12-steps
  • acupuncture
  • chiropractors
  • energy workers
  • different types of meditation
  • mindfulness
  • many other (my psychiatrist told me “you’ve tried more things than any of my patients”)


I like being open and finding what works to create actual results.

I did a lot of healing from trauma through all of this.

Was still stuck with the porn habit even after all that.


Found life coaching (after seeing its impact on my wife, Lindsay). Finally helped me break free from my unwanted habit.

Got certified as a Life Coach.

Was one of the first, if not the first, to adapt powerful mindset tools from the life coach school (originally used for sustainable weight loss) to help quit a porn habit.

It has proven incredibly effective.

Everyone says it’s the most helpful thing they’ve tried when they go through this coaching process with me.


I worked with men for 6+ years, full time.

Through my personal experience and my experience as a coach, I’ve seen it all.

I now coach men and women (or however you identify) on all sorts of subjects.

People who bring their whole selves to the coaching process are the best fit.


The methodology is Thought Work, but with a holistic approach.


We use the tools/methodology to powerfully address a specific goal you have in life.

Also, we coach on anything coming up in your life along the way that feels important, or feels like a block.


We address the root of the issue (starts at the habitual thought level).

My clients create sustainable transformation through this process.

In other words, it sticks.


They leave with tools they can use for life to address all sorts of goals in their life.

They leave their unwanted porn habit (or other) of years and years behind for good. With confidence and self-trust.


Clients come to me for coaching on 1 or 2 things.

We end up coaching on lots of things.


I typically coach smart, high-achieving people who want to train their brain to transform habits, heal, or enrich their life at the next level.


Some of my areas of expertise that I am uniquely qualified to coach people through are:

  • Unwanted habits (porn/other)
  • Excessive People-Pleasing
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • C-PTSD, Unresolved Trauma (post therapy or in conjunction with) 
  • Religious and Relational Trauma from narcissistic abuse
  • Money Mindset (and manifestation principles for those who enjoy it)
  • Business coaching for solopreneurs
  • Self-care for burnt out doctors (or other professionals) and stress management
  • Marriage/relationship coaching

Also, I’m an Ally (LGBTQ+). I want this to be crystal clear.


I don’t push agendas on clients. They bring their own agenda. We get to go where you want when you’re ready to go there.


Meeting with a coach regularly gives you the opportunity to observe your mind along the way, build rapport with each other, and create a space in which your brain can feel safe to explore, question, identify limiting beliefs (or beliefs inhibiting healing), and transform your life by transforming your mind. 


An inside-out approach is the kind that lasts and builds momentum. This allows for more ease and flow, and less hustle/burnout.


I lean heavily on science-based approaches and the science of how the human brain works.

We play around with wu-wu/manifestation for those clients who find that enriching/fun (optional).


I LOVE my clients. This is another one of my gifts as a coach. I remember details about my clients. I keep them strictly confidential. But I use my deep knowing to enhance the individual coaching process. You don’t ever have to tell me anything you don’t want to.

For those who embrace this process, the changes my clients experience are profound.


It works better for people who don’t try to say what they think I want to hear. But who will voice it when they feel resistance to something. And we don’t push, but challenge, question, and explore. The way for you becomes clear with this curious, non-judgmental approach.


You are already incredibly powerful. This coaching process helps you realize that power that is already within you.


The 3 principles mentioned in my motto are:

  1. Transform Habits.
  2. Heal Your Mind.
  3. Enrich Your Life.

Transform Habits: 

This has to do with behavioral habits as well as thinking/feeling habits your automatic brain has learned.

I am a master at helping people train the habits in their brain in a new way.

Heal Your Mind:

Healing is part of why I am here on this earth. I don’t do the healing for you.

I help you discover your own self-healing capabilities to a further extent than ever.

Unlearning some of the damaging thought-patterns you’ve learned (through traumatic past or other) is something we can always be on the lookout for. We make room for it.

Enrich Your Life:

I love the word, “enrich.” With unwanted habits, we learn to make your life so good that that habit becomes irrelevant.

We learn new ways of interacting with the negative feelings too.

We up-level your relationship with yourself and your ability to follow through on commitments to yourself. Also, we reprogram your mind to making more money if that’s something you desire. See the multiple meanings of “enrich” here?


Now that you have a feel for me, if you want to explore options to get help from me, schedule a free consult with me now.


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