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A Skill You Haven't Learned Yet AND Beyond the Porn

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2020

So you want to stop looking at porn but you don't know how.

Let's go over what we're going for here.

  • A skill you haven't learned yet.
  • It's not just about the porn.
  • Intentionally healing
  • Enriching your real life
  • Sustainably creating

A Skill You Can Learn

I like to think of this as a skill you just haven't learned yet.

It's like shooting a jump shot in basketball. If someone just threw you on the court without any guidance, you'd be running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Even if you've seen someone shoot before, you're not just going to dive in and have the proper form right away.

If you've done it for years without proper form, you might have some habits that interfere with that pure shooting form you're going for.

All of the most skilled basketball players have had lots of one on one coaching from someone with experience.

Someone who can notice things more easily about their form and point it out. Providing a new level of awareness that allows the athlete to tweak his approach to reach new heights.

These are skills you can learn. You are not "too broken" to do it. You are not the only one who this won't work for.

Has telling yourself "It's impossible" ever helped you learn a new skill?

So first things first: It is possible for you to learn this skill.

But it's not just about the porn.

It's also about managing your mind in a way that allows you to:

  1. Intentionally Heal
  2. Enrich Your Real Life
  3. Sustainably Create

Intentionally Heal:

Heal from past wounds and learn how to heal from the bumps and scratches that arise from a life of putting yourself out there. 

Enrich Your Real Life:

Porn is a fantasy and is not real living.

Learn to make your everyday life so satisfying that porn becomes less relevant. All of it together. The good and the bad. The comfortable and uncomfortable.

As far as we know, you only get one chance at this life on earth. And I refuse to believe that we're just supposed to be miserable through it and bide our time.

Sustainably Create:

What if you didn't have to worry so much about money because you knew you could always make more.

What if you knew how to make the most of natural pleasures in life that rejuvenate and sustain you. Instead of turning to false pleasures like porn that create a downward spiral in your brain.

What if you could tap more into those unique abilities of yours, that only you possess, and channel them in a way that is creative, powerful, and impactful.

In this life, there is a time to sprint and a time to run marathons. Let's learn how to do both, when to utilize them, and how to rest and recover in between so we can keep going.

Creating more ease and more fun are a crucial part of sustainably creating.


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