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Do You Really Believe You Have Agency?

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2024


Like for real?

Not just with your words.

Not just repeated in Sunday School.

But In practice?

In actuality.

Do you apply your belief?


In my experience, a lot of people who come to work with me are not very good at fully experiencing agency.


Did you know there is an area of your brain where agency is experienced? Where it is available?

Also, did you know that the stories you tell in your brain can affect how much of that agency you experience?


It’s like you’re told agency is there.

But there’s something obscuring it.


And guess who the only person who can access it is - YOU.


How do you make the change and start experiencing more agency?

  • Practice a new story.
  • Repeat it until things start consistently changing.
  • And yes, they can and will change if you keep noticing and practicing.


Here is some optional homework (because all homework is optional) I gave someone recently. I want to share it with you too. 

Optional homework:

  • along the way, ask yourself: “If I get to choose for me, what do I want to do in this situation?”
  • you can’t control how others might judge you.
  • you can decide whether to judge yourself or not. Practice without judging yourself.
  • you can also ask: “if I get to choose for me, how does that feel to freely choose and really know that it’s my choice.”
  • or, “if I don’t ‘have' to do this right now, what do I choose to do?” (Apply it to even seemingly ridiculous settings where you believe that you “have to.”) 


Truth is, you never "have to."

Let yourself experience your freedom to choose. 

See how it feels. 

Play around with it. 

See what happens.


Keep it simple.

Let it be fun where possible.



This is one of the practices I bring into my coaching very consistently.

Because even people trying to be aware don’t always notice when they’re doing it. 

Practicing with a coach who knows how to look for this completely accelerates things for people in creating the life/results they want (when it is a good fit).

Because it all starts with your choice.

There’s a reason clients re-hire me a lot to help them create the life they want.

They see the value of using this coaching space/modality and they get way more than their money’s worth out of it.


If you believe coaching would be a game changer for you the way it is for my clients, how will you use your power to choose right now?

Will you get on a consult with me to explore next steps?

Click here to schedule free consult

I support your choice all the way through the consult and decision process, by the way.



50% Complete

Two Step

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