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How to Release Worry & Achieve Goals More Powerfully (with an Exercise You Can Try while reading)

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2024

Think of one of your most important goals, or desires, right now.

Something you want:

  • to achieve
  • to learn
  • to experience
  • to have
  • to bring into your life

Got it in your mind?


Now I want to ask you:

How much time do you spend worrying about this goal? (Answer in a percentage over a period of time. For example, one person’s response may be: “40% of the time over the last 2 weeks.”)


NOTE: If your answer is that you worry 0% of the time. And, if you are already in a state of

  • complete belief that it is possibe
  • complete belief that you are worthy of receiving/achieving this desire
  • complete trust that it is happening, coming your way

If you are a “yes” for these things I just listed, you can skip the remaining part of this email and rest assured that what you want is coming your way, in a way better than you can imagine. Just keep going.

Because your inner state of being affects your outer reality. If you don’t believe in unseen powers and forces that follow your lead to help bring you what you want (which I do believe), you should at least know that the way you feel inside affects (and drives) the way that you act.

The way you feel inside (emotions) is created by thoughts you are thinking in your brain. And you can guide your brain to intentionally think thoughts that help you achieve your goals.

And if you answered “yes” to all of those statements above, rest assured, your inner state of being WILL drive the actions (and decisions) that help you receive/achieve what you want. 

It’s just a matter of time.


If you cannot answer “yes” to all of those statements above, proceed to read this email and try the exercise below.


For those of you who think worrying is helping, here’s a question for you (I invite you to write your answers down for a more powerful experience).

Question: When you feel worried, what kind of actions (or inactions) does that feeling drive for you?

Followup Question: If you are taking lots of action while feeling worried, are they the most helpful kind of actions you could be taking? Why or why not?


Note: usually, if you are worried about your goal, it is either a sign that: 

1. you don’t fully believe your goal is happening


2. you are more focused on trying to avoid failing than you are on aiming your sights at succeeding 

Trust me, both of these inner states of being are not your most effective route to achieving your goal, and are likely hindering more than helping. 

(You always get to decide for you, of course. Take it or leave it, up to you).


Question: If there is an option for you that is more effective/powerful than “worry” for you, do you want to continue utilizing “worry” the way that you have been or not?

Note: if your answer is “I choose to worry as I have been,” then you can discontinue this exercise now, and go on your way. And at least you are worrying more on purpose now than you were before.

If not, continue.


Instead of just trying to get rid of the worry, I invite you to take the following steps:

  1. notice any worry you feel now about your goal (if none now, try this exercise these steps the next time you DO feel “worry” about your goal)
  2. close your eyes
  3. name the feeling (out loud with voice, writing it down, or both)
  4. give it permission to be there
  5. breathe into it
  6. be present with it
  7. Remember: you can observe this worry-part of your brain without automatically believing everything it says
  8. now let the worry-part of your brain do/think/feel whatever it wants for the next 1-2 minutes
  9. give the worry-part of your brain a voice. Write down or speak to yourself what that “worry” is trying to say.
  10. breathe deeply throughout


Visualization: Adjust the Volume 

  1. Close your eyes again while doing this part.
  2. Pretend that this worry-part has a volume dial, scale of 0-10. What volume is this worry-part at in your mind right now? 
  3. Gently visualize turning down the dial to a level that feels do-able to you right now. Even turning it down by 1 makes a difference. Even not turning it down at all, or feeling like it got louder since beginning this exercise will be helpful practice, especially if you are being present with the feelings. It all helps, trust me. 
  4. If you can turn it down, turn it down. If not, don’t worry about it, leave it where it fits for you in this moment. Don’t force. Be gentle.


Question: If not “worry,” and if you get to choose, what inner state of being would you want to utilize instead?

(Some recommendations: trust, confidence, reassurance, optimism, “it’s happening,” belief, expectation, peace, ease. But you choose something that resonates with you.)


Question: If you get to choose, what would it take to feel more of this feeling now? What would you need to believe about yourself? What would you need to believe about your goal?

Don’t rush these answers. Let them work in you and observe how you feel while you sit with these questions.

Write what you observe.


What shifts do you notice within you while sitting with these questions?

1. If you have shifted your inner feelings in any small way, you are already improving your ability to achieve your goal.

2. If you feel a big shift, awesome. This happens for people sometimes too. Be open to this without forcing it.

3. If you feel the same as before:

  • connect with your breath
  • connect with your body and get it moving in some small way (shaking, tapping, stretching, walking, dancing, air-boxing, drumming the desk)
  • and repeat the exercise above (either now or later) while really connecting with your breath and body
  • Repeat until you experience a shift

Nothing at all is wrong with you if it takes a few times.

You have the power to change your inner state of being in a way that helps you more powerfully affect your outer reality (and with less hustle).

Start believing in that power now, because it is there. And you have a choice, more than you know.



Observe and see what it’s like to take action toward your goals from this new inner state of being.

You will likely:

  • experience more ease in your efforts
  • more trust/relaxation in your downtime
  • more rapid progression toward achieving/receiving what you desire
  • less hustle/exhaustion/burnout/worry/stress along the way


Don’t Forget:

You are powerful!

You are more powerful than your problems!

You are more powerful than your learned habits!

You always have the option to train/guide/change your brain in a new way, for new results.


Come do this with me:

Learning to do this with a coach is 100x easier, and 100x faster.

Come experience the power of 1 on 1 coaching with me or a member of my team.

We do practices like this exercise above and so much more.

Quitting a porn habit is absolutely possible for you and can be easy and fun.

We’ll help you with other goals too. It works better if you have things besides the porn habit you are working on as well.


Sign up for a Free Consult Now (click here) to explore next steps for getting help with achieving your goals in a more powerful way than ever before.


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