Does this sound familiar?
You avoid time alone at home because:
- you're worried you might look at porn again
- you don't trust yourself to not look at porn
- you're afraid of failing again
So some of your main strategies to avoid this failure are:
- avoid times of being alone at home
- fill your schedule with so many things that you don't get alone time except for sleeping
- always make sure you're around somebody, but never alone at home
- over-scheduling
- over-busy
- hustle, burnout. hustle burnout.
So you go-go-go-go GO, until you are so burnt out, then you are more likely to view porn when burnt out
So your strategy helps for some time, but you still end up looking at porn. Just not as much as you think you would if you weren't as busy.
But in the long-term, you're not sustainably quitting your porn habit for good.
Now Imagine This:
Your porn habit is no longer an issue.
You can be alone a t home, for long stretches, with not much in the schedule, and be completely confident that you won't view porn.
You completely trust yourself.
In fact, you don't really do anything to plan around making sure you don't view porn because you just know that you won't. So it doesn't cross your mind when deciding to fill your schedule or not.
It's not a factor.
What would that be like?
How would you approach planning differently?
How would you rest differently?
How much alone, quiet time would you give to yourself?
I'm just inviting you to spend some time visualizing this scenario that is totally possible for you.
My clients are creating this for themselves all the time.
If you are ready to learn how, schedule a free strategy call with me now.