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My Life Already IS More Satisfying Than Porn, I Just Don't See it Yet.

Uncategorized May 01, 2020

People who want to want to stop (not a typo) looking at porn are often unsure about what life will be like without it.

What if life without porn is way worse?

What if I can't handle the stresses of life without it?

What if it ends up being a bunch of effort, money, and discomfort for something worse than what I have now?

What if I try and fail? I'll look stupid.

What if it's a waste of time?

Nothing Has Gone Wrong Here.

Our brains are designed to resist change. And our brains will find and even create evidence that something bad will happen if you make that change.

You have practiced thinking that you "need" porn so many times that it has become a belief.

When your brain thinks/believes something, it finds evidence to support it. Even if that thought is not true/rational/helpful.

What if the idea that you "need" porn is inaccurate?

What if it is just an irrational thought you bought in to one day?

What if you don't "need" porn at all? And never have "needed" it?

Is there a chance you're wrong about this?

Not a Pretty Sight

Maybe when you remove porn as an option and engage more in your real life you don't really like what you see at first.

This is fine. Nothing has gone wrong.

You can't clean up a messy room until you turn the light on.

Cleaning up my relationship with my real life (which all starts in my mind) has been the single most satisfying thing I've ever done in my entire life.

It has affected everything most important to me in my life.

This will be an ongoing process throughout my life. And I want it. I'm all in.

Clear the Fog

Just consider this for a moment.

What if your real life already is (and always has been) more genuinely satisfying than porn, you're just learning to see it.

When I thought of this, something shifted in me, in a good way.

It's like I'm in this incredibly beautiful place, with amazing scenery, but it's been foggy so I couldn't even fully appreciate it.

One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen is Grindelwald, Switzerland. Being in the Alps there is awe-inspiring.

What if your life without porn is the Alps by Grindelwald and your relationship with porn is a fog blocking your view.

Remember, it's not porn that blocks the view. It is your thought patterns related to porn that block the view (take away the porn and your thought patterns would still be there, manifesting in some other way instead of porn).

The great thing about thought patterns? They can be changed.

The only person who can change your thought patterns? You.

Don't wait for someone else to clear the fog for you.

Don't spend another second than you need to missing the scenery.

Let the process take as long as it takes. But keep moving forward.

Turn your mistakes into a step forward in the process.

Identify your reasons for doing it and make sure you love them.

Try hard, fail hard, and adjust your approach until you get it.

Decide that you are in this for the long run, no matter what.

Show yourself that you are worth it.

One Thought at a Time

The sun has always been there. The gorgeous scenery was there all along.

Use Thought Work to start clearing the fog, one thought at a time.

Need help learning the users' manual for your brain?
Check out my How to Stop Looking at Porn Program by scheduling a free consultation with me. Find out more about a consultation: click here.

And, as always, feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions or just to connect.


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