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Why Go Porn Free?

Uncategorized May 22, 2020

Good and Bad News!

Lots of guys want to stop looking at porn to become more worthy or lovable.

Well, guess what, you can't. You are 100% lovable just the way you are.

So if your reason for going porn free is to be more worthy, it won't work.

The Increased Happiness Doesn't Come From the Absence of Porn

Many guys think they'll be happier by going porn free.

Guess what, it doesn't quite work that way.

Your emotional experience is 50/50 (50% positive and 50% negative) with porn and 50/50 without porn.

This doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's just important to know up front.

If you've white-knuckled your way to weeks or months of sobriety without doing anything to adjust your mindset, you may have spiraled back in to porn because you're thinking:

"What's the use! It doesn't make me feel any better to go without porn."

Don't Go Into It Unarmed

My life and my clients' lives have much more happiness in them without porn, but it's not because of the lack of porn. It is because of the process that removing porn allows you to go through.

Coaching and Thought Work are the best things I know to help with that process.

I can help you with this.

Then Why Go Porn Free?

You need to find your own reasons and get intentional about them. But here are some that have really helped me.

Feel Alive

When you look at porn to avoid emotions, you check out from an equal amount of positive emotions as negative.

So even though you will experience more negative emotion, you will, at the same time, invite more positive emotion in to your life.

As you learn to allow/process emotions this becomes a very good thing.

I only get one human life on this planet. Do I want to spend my time escaping from it? I choose to experience more of the positive and negative emotions of my life.

I choose to feel alive.

Take the Leaps Required to Make New Things Happen

I choose to get to know my mind and identify unhelpful thinking patterns.

I want to learn from my limiting thoughts/emotions. I want to make stuff happen that requires certain emotional leaps. 

Choosing to buffer with porn impedes this process.

Better Achieve All Your Goals (Personal/Family/Church/Work/Money/Hobbies)

Porn did not help me achieve my life goals. It interfered with my most important goals.

Porn has a net negative cost. Choosing porn took from me more than it gave.

Enjoy Your Life the Way You Want To

I want to do life the way I want to.

I am experiencing just how much I can enjoy life without covering emotions with porn.

More Love is Never a Bad Thing

Removing porn from my life may be the most loving thing I've done for myself. If I were to pick one best way I have truly loved myself, that just might be it.

I am making my true human experience the best it can be. I am choosing to be in each moment.

If you want to learn to go porn free and live life the way you want to, I can help you. I know reaching out can be tough. I get it. But it's so worth it. 

It is confidential, between you and me. All we are going to do is talk about where you are at, where you want to be, and how I can help you.

You literally have nothing to lose from doing a free consult with me. I'll make it as easy on you as I can.

Even if you don't begin working with me, the consult can help you determine your next step.

It could be just what you need to start moving toward the life you want.

Click here to schedule.


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