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How Mindset Work Affected Ben's Bottom Line (25 sec video)

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2024

(click to watch 25 sec video)

What happened to Ben’s salary by end of coaching together? (Watch to end of video)

Like many of my clients, Ben came to me for help with one thing, and he turned our work together into success in many areas of life, including this increase in income.

Go Ben!!!

Investing in your mind with coaching absolutely impacts the bottom line.


Click here to schedule free consult with Danny.

Click here to listen to full interview with Ben on podcast S1E32.

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Camren Saves His Marriage With Powerful Simple Tools

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2024

"It was marriage-saving!" (watch clip from video interview by clicking video)

Struggling with people pleasing and self-shaming? Discover how simple tools and mindsets can save your marriage and transform your life. CLICK link in bio: Start your journey to healing and empowerment today!  Click here now (for a free consultation)

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Antidote to Procrastination: "Right Now" isn 't always the answer

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2024

Procrastination? With an urge to view porn, do you tell yourself that “later” will be better? ie, “I’ll get more serious about changing my unwanted habit tomorrow. Just one more time today. Just 5 minutes.” Here’s an antidote to procrastination.

Do you tell yourself that “now” is not the right time to go all in on yourself and your goals?

If you suspect that you need help and will need to invest in coaching (or some other resource) for yourself to get where you want to get, and you tell yourself, “Later,” ask yourself, why later?

Here’s the problem: most people leave it at that: “Later.” Just a vague word. And if “later” is what you leave it at, then “later” is always “later” and never comes.

So if now really isn’t your best option, then what is? And when is that? If later, what steps need to be taken to have it become a NOW that is the right time? 


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Interview Camren Harris - Turning Habit From "Monster" to "Ant" and Building Himself"

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2024

View portion of video click by clicking on video.

Is this kind of shame holding you up like it did Cameron?

Cameron’s Transformational Story: where he was, where is now, how he got there, what helped, what didn’t.

Click here now for full podcast episode S2E3 “Interview Cameron Harris - Turning Habit From “Monster” to “Ant” and Building Himself”

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Placebo Power: Transform Your Financial Life

Uncategorized Jul 24, 2024


(click to watch video)

Do you believe that your mindset creates real results with other things but not money?

If so, you are driving a Ferrari without realizing it has a faster gear.

Your mindset is your most powerful tool.

Imagine the impact of truly believing in your financial potential.

Ready to harness it? Book a free consult call now - Click here now.

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What it Looks Like to Build Momentum in Your Personal Transformation

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

(click to Watch video)

Ever notice how the same patterns show up in different areas of your life?

Your past victories in your coaching/transformation process can make future challenges easier.

It’s all connected when it comes to Thought Work.

And it all builds momentum on itself if you keep showing up, like my client this week.

Ready to unlock your full potential?

Book a free consult call today! Click here.

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What Are You Fighting For Today?

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

If all the things/people/positions/possessions were going to be taken away by someone, which of these would you fight hardest to keep in your life?
Which things would you not fight so hard for?

Get clear on what you’re fighting for.

I may or may not have cried just a little when watching Guardians of the Galaxy 3 today, seeing, Rocket Racoon get saved from near-death, and his friends hugging and holding him in gratitude.

Yeah I’m kind of a cheese ball with that stuff.

And Mantis says: “”Rocket, we love you very much and we’re happy you’re alive.”
And Rocket says: “Well that makes you the idiots then.”

Again, I invite you to get clear on what you are fighting for today.
Clarify it.
Hold it in your heart.
Feel it.
Experience some moments from that place.
Create something from that place.
Share it.

When in doubt, LOVE is one of the best things I know to fight for.

Here’s to more love.


Expand in Love. Heal. Enrich. Sustainably...

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Podcast Eps. #2: Breaking Financial Barriers - The Power of Belief and Self Forgiveness

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2024

In this insightful episode, we delve into the often complicated relationship with money.

Discover how familiar patterns from other areas of life can simplify your financial journey, the profound impact of belief on financial success, and the detrimental effects of self-deprecation.

We challenge the myth that making money has to be a grind and discuss the importance of self-forgiveness in achieving financial freedom.

Learn practical steps to cultivate a healthy and empowering money mindset.

Tune in (wherever you get podcasts) and start transforming your financial life today!

Click here to listen now

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Do You Feel Safe Around Money? (Don't BLOCK the FLOW)

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2024

Does talking about money make you feel uneasy?

Your financial success starts with feeling safe around money.

Shift your mindset and watch abundance flow.

Ready to transform?

Click here and Book a free consult with me today!

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Overcoming Urges: Transformational Story w/Client-Centered Coaching

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2024


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