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Life-Changing Lessons IN and OUT of the Operating Room

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2024

Who’s the Most Important Person in the Operating Room?

Discover how a simple yet profound piece of advice transformed both a medical career and personal life.

Learn the importance of having access to key lessons/strategies and emotional intelligence in navigating life's toughest challenges.


For results like Bryan’s, click here for free consult.

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S2E6: Interview with an LDS Surgeon, Bryan Smedley (Success Story)

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2024

Click to listen to interview with Bryan who uses Life Coaching vehicle to go from:

exhausted, worn out, depressed


Empowered, feelings-literate, kinder to self, more positive home-life/relationships, looking forward to things more, healing his mind

He says he looks forward to coaching calls, gains more energy and efficiency in life by taking time to do it, and says

"Coaching on the mindset around dread/procrastination of doing patient charts affected 5 other areas of my life that week too."

Tune in to get inspired by what Bryan created for himself.

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3 Things That Helped My Client Quit His Porn Habit Successfully

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2024

He tells me 3 things today that help him when he has an urge to view porn.


He also has no problem staying away from porn easily now.

Note: He used to feel out of control at times with how he was giving in to urges.

He says he has way less urges (to view porn) now than he did last year.


And when he does have an urge, these 3 things help him:

  1. -practice allowing and processing the urge (a skill my clients learn)
  2. -remind myself “The urge won’t last forever.” “They all pass. It passes when it passes.”
  3. -remind myself “I’m not going to die if I don’t have an orgasm.” 


For those of you with an unwanted habit, what helps you with urges for porn (or something else)?


It’s important to have a practice that doesn’t only fight/avoid/distract from the urge.

Have a practice that also:

  1. -rewires your brain around urges, 
  2. -trains your brain to have less of them, 
  3. -and changes your...
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Do You Really Believe You Have Agency?

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2024


Like for real?

Not just with your words.

Not just repeated in Sunday School.

But In practice?

In actuality.

Do you apply your belief?


In my experience, a lot of people who come to work with me are not very good at fully experiencing agency.


Did you know there is an area of your brain where agency is experienced? Where it is available?

Also, did you know that the stories you tell in your brain can affect how much of that agency you experience?


It’s like you’re told agency is there.

But there’s something obscuring it.


And guess who the only person who can access it is - YOU.


How do you make the change and start experiencing more agency?

  • Practice a new story.
  • Repeat it until things start consistently changing.
  • And yes, they can and will change if you keep noticing and practicing.


Here is some optional homework (because all homework is optional) I gave someone recently. I want to share it with you too. 


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Accelerate Your Healing by Looking to a Narcissistā€™s Actions Over Words

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2024

Narcissists will often have a pattern of saying one thing and doing another.

This discrepancy can leave their partners confused, doubting their own perceptions, and emotionally destabilized.


When dealing with a narcissist, pay more attention to their actions than to their words.

It is essential for protecting yourself and making informed decisions about your well-being and healing.


Narcissists are usually good at using words to manipulate and to create a favorable image of themselves.

Their words may have both truths and non-truths, which can be very confusing if you’re around them regularly.

They may say what they know others want to hear in that moment.

But their actions are where their true intentions will be revealed.


10 Examples of Narcissists Saying One Thing but Acting Differently

1. Professing Love While Acting Neglectful:

   -Words: "I love you more than anything."

   -Actions: They consistently disregard your needs, fail to...

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Talking to Your Kids About Porn: A Real-World Guide for Parents

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2024

Talking to Your Kids About Porn: A Real-World Guide for Parents

by Danny Poelman DDS, Life Coach

Quick Take

Hey there, awesome parent! Let’s face it—talking to your kids about pornography can feel like walking a tightrope. But guess what? You’re already doing an amazing job just by being here and wanting to have this conversation. This guide is all about keeping things real, supportive, and shame-free, so you can help your kids navigate this tricky topic with confidence and self-love.

Why This Matters

In today’s world, kids are exposed to all kinds of content online—some of it good, some of it not so much. Pornography is one of those things that can pop up, and it’s important to talk about it openly. This isn’t about giving a big scary lecture; it’s about having a heart-to-heart that leaves your child feeling empowered, not freaked out.


Start with Love, Not Fear

What’s the Big Idea? When talking to your kids about porn,...

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Debt Has Nothing to Do With Worthiness

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2024

The amount of debt you have has nothing to do with your worthiness.

Debt is not good or bad.

It is simply a tool.

Debt is about math and timing.

It just means you are paying for something over time.

You are worthy whether you have debt or not, whether you have little debt or a lot of debt.

If you knew that you were worthy of having all the money and surplus that you want, how would that change the way you show up today?

How would you feel?

How would you think about yourself?

Act from this space to create new financial results for yourself.

Don't wait for your financial circumstances to change for you to feel differently.

Choose to think and feel differently in order to change your financial results.


Heal. Enrich. Create. Love.

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Ben's Energy - 12 Steps v. Coaching

Uncategorized Aug 20, 2024

(click to Watch video)

Do you have the energy you need in order to reach your goals? You’ve gotta find what actually works for you. Pay attention to how you feel after.

What is the net-effect on your energy?


Your energy/emotions will drive what you do. 


How can you best protect your energy today?

How do you choose to channel your energy today?

Rather than swim upstream , make it more fun like surfing ‍. 

You have access to all the energy you need in order to make the sustainable changes you want to make. 


If you want to experience how coaching helps you access/channel that energy more effectively, click here and schedule a free consult.

Or watch my free video training on Fearless Freedom From Porn.


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I Was Wrong About My Mental Health (My Story)

Uncategorized Aug 12, 2024


I used to not think mental health was something I even had to consider taking care of.

I thought, if I just do all the things:

  • -work hard as a dentist
  • -give patients very best care I could
  • -take care of wife and kids at home
  • -make the money
  • -buy the house
  • -go to church
  • -read the scriptures
  • -pray
  • -serve in church and however else I could
  • -do physical exercise/activities along the way
  • -and only slow down and rest when I had to

If I just did all these things, stayed focused on helping other people, and hustled my way through it, that a well-balanced, happy, healthy life was mine to be had.

Man was I wrong!

My body had some healing to do (trauma from childhood sexual abuse). C-PTSD.

My brain didn’t want to yet and was scared, and didn’t want to become aware.


When I listened to my body, and believed my traumatic memories (which are different than other memories), my symptoms would improve.

When I rejected it and tried to ignore it, my symptoms got worse.


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Interview Art Hock - Breaking Lifelong Habits and Increasing Capacity

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2024

(click below to listen to full podcast episode) In this inspiring episode, Danny Poelman sits down with Art Hock, a former client turned thriving coach, who shares his incredible journey of overcoming deep-rooted habits and finding true empowerment. 

Art opens up about his struggles with people-pleasing and a phone sex addiction, amongst other things. 

At first, he wasn't sure Danny would work well with a "gay man." Art realized quickly after a discovery Zoom call, that Danny absolutely has room for all of him. 

Through the coaching process, Art was able to completely transform his mindset, embrace his authentic self, and reignite his passion for life. 

Tune in to discover how you can tackle your own unwanted habits and step into a future filled with power, clarity, and fearlessness. This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Click here to listen to full episode S2E4.

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